Sunday, March 15, 2009

A bit of prose, A bit of poetry

At seventeen we are invincible. The world has opened its doors as well as windows to us. The seasons are dewy fresh, high school much more than mere studies, boys are no longer slimy, and we have outgrown our dorky state. It just couldn't get any better. future beckons and the childhood days are not far enough to make us nostalgic. The dreams are young and so is our enthusiasm to fulfill them. Yes, at seventeen the world is certainly at our stiletto feet!

Would not say that we have not a single care.. but usually its peak is the presence of a solitary pimple a week before the school social. Nothing apart from a heart to heart bitching session with a dear friend keeps us awake at nights, parents have suddenly shed their patronizing tones and mellowed, almost become pally, which is a great relief, though still on thin ice, we have started opening up more to there as well the setting looks good. on the verge of leaving the confines of school and entering the freedom of adult life, On the verge of getting a license to drive, On the verge of bunking college to catch a movie, on the verge of earning our own money..Life is an endless field of cherry blossoms.

There's nothing that is beyond reach, nothing that whispers cynicism into our ears, nothing that seems futile, We have time, We are young, We have faith, We are young, We have love, We are young.

The shine in our eyes sparkling the way ahead,
the buds on our cheeks always turning heads
the smile on our lips crushing hearts on the floor
the tilt of the brow let the arrogance soar

Yes at Seventeen we are invincible!!

We are way past Seventeen now.
Most days we feel our age
the burden of life though happy
is still a weight.
Our stance maynot be as tall
Stilettos have taken their toll
there is work and a house to run
kids to be brought up
chores to be done
the buds on the cheek and the tilt of the brow
is a framed picture on the bedside table now
The sparkle of the eyes and the enchanting smile
is the soul of our being, a forever thing
We maynot be Seventeen now
yet to turn heads is an easy thing!!!

The grace of beauty
A mature wine
A woman in her thirties
is simply divine!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Woman, A Mom and then theres work as well...

Motherhood comes naturally. Working motherhood doesn't. The key of managing a baby and a career definitely lies in being organized. Easier said then done…but true none the less. Its better to be prepared for the upcoming challenges and equip ourselves with a plan than doing a repair job later in the day – There’s always going to be too much on the plate with a kid below a year at home and a rewarding job outside. The points below are oft repeated and clichéd by now and am sure many women are leading successful lives without any of these essentials.. but trust me.. its not bad to make life a bit easy..

Get an organizer. Any organizer. No matter what kind you use, from good old fashioned paper to software you installed on your laptop and be in charge of it.

Prioritize. An off site meeting with a client can probably be delegated to a colleague in case the toddler at home has gulped down a coin, in the same vein as teething problems of the child and the associated crankiness can be put on a back burner without guilt. Accepting that you cannot be everywhere at the same time giving your one hundred percent is essential. Accepting help graciously in any form does not need to have a guilt tag either.. as long as you return the favor.

A stressful day at work is often followed by a new set of tasks and demands when you get home. When your partner is looking for reinforcements and your children want your attention, a big 'head and heart' shift is needed. Thoughts about work can color the way you interact with your children and continue to distract you long after you have left work. This is natural and the child will have no memory of it as long as you don’t let the guilt get to you, so relax and smile. Once you get home, a ritual or routine can help to make the transition. This is a way of marking the physical, mental and emotional move from work to home, from worker to parent. It can be something as simple as changing out of work clothes, or switching your thoughts to your child as you go from work to home.

Talk to your partner and older children, if any, about the challenges of making the transition. This is likely to be helpful, especially during stressful times at work. Help them to see things from your perspective, try to see things from theirs, and have reasonable expectations. Expecting time to flop out on a chair and relax in front of the television as soon as you get home is probably not realistic!

Your expectations of yourself and of family life need to be realistic. It would be great if you were always able to leave your concerns behind and be the 'perfect' parent. It would also be great if children were always cheerful and concerned more about your well being than their own. Unfortunately, that's just not how things are. There will be times when the balance between work and family demands is 'upset'. For example, your child might be sick, you might be working night shifts, you might need to travel for work, or a project might require extra work or longer hours. Good strong family relationships can help you all withstand trying times. And remember, there is no universal formula for work-family balance. You, your situation and your relationship with your child are unique. You need to take into account your energy level, personality, and parenting style as well as your child's needs. Set reasonable standards for yourself with realistic expectations.

A happy woman makes the family happy..and a martyr just overloads the family with guilt.. enjoy womanhood and its blessings, live life to the fullest and remember its ok to leave your child with a care giver to attend a night long bitching session with other women..recharge yourself with whatever gives you pleasure, as your battery is the most used in the family!! HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMANS DAY!!