A house is a house is a house-until love comes through the door, that is. And
love intuitively goes around sprinkling that special brand of angel dust that
transforms a house into a very special home for very special people: your
Money, of course, can build a charming house, but only love can furnish it
with a feeling of home.
Duty can pack an adequate office/school lunch, but love may decide to tuck a little
note inside.
Money can provide a television set, but love controls it and cares enough to
say no and take the roar that comes with it.
Obligation sends the children to bed on time, but love tucks the covers in
around their necks and passes out kisses and hugs.
Obligation can cook a meal, but love embellishes the table with candles and a potted ivy.
Duty writes many letters, but love tucks a joke or a picture inside.
Compulsion keeps a sparkling house. But love and prayer stand a better chance
of producing a happy family.
Duty gets offended quickly if it isn’t appreciated. But love learns to laugh
a lot and to work for the sheer joy of doing it.
Obligation can pour a glass of milk, but quite often love will add a little
This was my 100th post. Looking forward to more milestones. Share my joys, trials and tribulations as we skip along together.
Feels Great to congratulate on your century!!!
And cannot agree more on the fact that without emotions we are nothing but machines!
Your post made me feel depressed. Reading it I felt I've never done anything out of love. Never left a note inside a tiffin box, never controlled the remote, never tucked any covers. (The kids often fall asleep on my bed and I'm always trying to shove them away from my share of the blanket and not tuck them in)I do add that chocolate though, but not sure it is out of love. Oh god, I think I hate my kids...
Congratulations on your 100th post. This is one awesome milestone!
Congrats for the century.
Yes anybody can build a house. But home has to be made.And money can build a house but never a home is made with money.
Good luck to you and your home.
Congratulations, Sujata! :) It had been fun being with you for this while!
congrats buddy..knowing u i am sure many more centuries r on the way...go on like sachin tendu..v will be with u all the way thru...promise..but u have to offer starbucks coffee hehe:)
Congratulations on the 100! and your post was sooooooooo lovely!! Why do I never come up with such things, eh? *wondering* *wondering*
and yes, how could I not be with you while you churn out good posts like these one after the other? I am here to stay and won't be shooed away! :)
Congrats for reaching the hundred. Great job and and fitting blog to mark the occasion.
Congratulations on 100th post...
And a very well written post too.
Many congratulations on the 100th post ! Ofcourse, there is a difference between a home and a house ! that difference is not restricted to a loan !
how a love be a duty or obligation..
its just a love which easily throb the entire self.. the hands will lend unconsciously as the hands are direct from heart..
but this post is woven with such a beautiful heart warming beads..
me may like to go throw it again - such soft words..
Congrats on the milestone. I get depressed when people celebrate their 100th 200th etc etc post :( I think with my kind of extreme laziness, it will take me an entire life time to even come up with 50 posts *cry*
Lolz at Aparna's comment. Even though I love my family to a point where the husband and son gets irritated, I have never lit a candle for the dinner table :( God after cooking, all I want is them to finish it off without frowning!!
My new favourite quote from now on will be "Duty gets offended quickly if it isn’t appreciated. But love learns to laugh a lot and to work for the sheer joy of doing it." I don't know why, but I just love the way you wrote it and hope the husband thinks my lunatic laugh is worth it ;)
Ps: thanks for putting up Country Roads...one of our fave song.
'A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams'
Congratulations Sujata on your fabulous 100.Kutch celebration hona chahiye na :):)
Again what a beautiful header pic. mind blowing.
and the post, well you said it, what else can i add.
but somehow i am not sure on the appreciation part.
love is a flame but love is also a fuel. after sometime, when love doesn't get love in return, i think it starts to flicker.
and along with love trust is also important, trust that that feels, even if the candles aren't lighted, the meal not so tasty, let me hug and appreciate, i love you since you always give your best, and today you need love to refuel.
did i make sense?
Again what a beautiful header pic. mind blowing.
and the post, well you said it, what else can i add.
but somehow i am not sure on the appreciation part.
love is a flame but love is also a fuel. after sometime, when love doesn't get love in return, i think it starts to flicker.
and along with love trust is also important, trust that that feels, even if the candles aren't lighted, the meal not so tasty, let me hug and appreciate, i love you since you always give your best, and today you need love to refuel.
did i make sense?
congrats on the 100th post, all the best:)
100 beautifully written, well crafted posts. Congrats. Go on forever... :)
congratulations on the 100th post
Aww...that was just so sweet!
But it doesn't mean u don't love someone if you don't light candles or leave a note etc, right? Just to make my family and many others (perhaps) feel less guilty ;)
Lovely post, as usual :)
Khub bhalo! :D Keep writing many more...me looking forward to them!
bah !!! khub shundor likehcho...but some where it hides if this love u spread around is not always reciprocated. the simple reply is keep on spreading more love around.. its your family at the end of the day... but i do not want to harp on these and spoil the beauty of the post
Congratulations on the century.
Nice thoughts on love.
Mabruk.... mabruk..
Hope to see many more milestones zooming past
Seems you turned wise by hitting the century. Congratulations.
That’s like hitting a six to jump to century….
Nice read….
your posts are a pleasure to read.
your century post is a superb one. but may i differ? there is love - and plenty of it-without the garnishings you mentioned. the difference i think is between love and love of a roamntic person
Congrats on the milestone. Hope to read many more interesting posts here.
The romantic me totally agrees with you. The practical me says....Don't spoil your family. They learn to expect more and may end up with disappointments. :) :) :)
Congrats for the century.
Nice post...Fantastic Blog.
Love does make the world go round. Congratulations on the 100th post.
Thank you all for writing in and for all the warm wishes and encouragement. I am sorry, that this time I could not reply individually to each one of you, as i was away on a short break. However will reiterate that each wish is stored gratefully in my heart. Thanks once again, your company made the journey so far beautiful.
hey buddy hum daily newspaper vala ko chutti kahan milta hai yar? v not so lucky..so Eid was at office itself..wish u guys had travelled this side for holidays.. seriously..try to make it sometime with fmly:)
congrats Sujatha.......
And your post made me aware(again) that love should be expressed...........
congrats on ur 100 post!
nice blog :)
Congrats on your 100th post and i would say this one is very close to my heart.I spent a considerable amount of my earnings trying to build a home just to realize that i can't stay there and that will just be a holiday home for me.
"Home is where the hugs are"
hi! coming after a longish while, and wow such lovely writing! loved all your posts, and has inspired to put more into my blogs! great work, wouldnt call it work though!
It's by chance that I came across ur blog - and I have enjoyed every moment so far spent reading ur blogposts. There r a whole lot of them I am yet tom read, though.
Delighted reading some really nice prose and some nice thoughts.
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